Verification Playground is a consolidated platform for planning, tracking, and optimizing large scale verification projects. The platform provides a single point of access to all the tools and resources you need for your verification activities, including a centralized data model. It allows connections between the various verification tools and delivers rich reporting capabilities and hooks.
A Web-based application that gives you immediate hands-on exposure to simulating and synthesizing SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL, C++/SystemC, UVM, and other HDL languages. Simply type in your code in the testbench and design windows, then run and view console output and EPWave waves for your simulation results.
EDA Playground is a great tool for teaching yourself and others how to use Verilog, SystemVerilog, UVM, and other HDLs. It also has a large community of people that are dedicated to helping you learn and understand these languages better.
The EDA Playground website offers a variety of tutorials for the main EDA languages. These include videos with step-by-step guides on how to do specific tasks, and interview questions that can be answered from within the software. The website also has a forum where you can ask questions and discuss topics with other members.
This site is not designed to replace the documentation you receive from your developer, but it can help you get started quickly and efficiently with the tools you need. It is free to use and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
OAuth 2.0 Playground generates sample requests and responses that you can practice with as you author an app. It shows you how to obtain authorization codes, exchange those for access and refresh tokens, and make API calls.
It can also be used for testing 검증놀이터 your own web apps, such as an e-commerce application. All you need is a web browser and an Intuit Developer Portal account.
Using a Verifiable Credential (VC)
The OAuth Playground uses an open standard for digital credentials called a verifiable credential. It is designed to give you a hands-on experience with the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect authorization process. It is a perfect way to practice your skills, or show off your work to someone else who isn't familiar with the OAuth process.
Real-Time Collaboration
The EPWave browser-based wave viewer lets you share your playground with other users and see their playgrounds in real time. It is a great way to communicate and share ideas with other engineers and developers who are also using the same language.
Sharing a Playground
The Playgrounds page in EDA Playground has a Copy button that allows you to save your playground and then share it with another user. Just click on it, and a complitely new playground will appear for your other user to view.
Creating a Virtual Playground in EDAPlayground
The Virtual Playground feature in the Testbench and Design windows allows you to create a virtual playground that is displayed in a browser window. You can view it in the Testbench and Design windows, and you can also share it with other users by clicking on the "Share Playground" link at the bottom of any screen.
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